MÁV Zrt. Railway Infrastructure Services

MÁV Zrt.’s objective is to perform railway infrastructure services at a high standard, in a cost-efficient way and undertake railway traffic in an uninterrupted, safe manner.

MÁV Zrt.’s railway infrastructure customers include railway companies with an operating licence, a railway safety certificate and a network access contract, permitted to the railway infrastructure services provided by MÁV Zrt.

The conditions of use of the open-access railway track network, and the tariffs for railway infrastructure services, are available in the Network Statement (HÜSZ) published on the website of Vasúti Pályakapacitás-elosztó Kft. (Rail Capacity Allocation Office) (https://www2.vpe.hu/en/network-statement).

The other railway infrastructure services that can be provided by MÁV Zrt. are available at the following address (in Hungarian language): palyavasut/mav-zrt-altal-nyujthato-egyedi-szolgaltatasok

The professional, password-protected website is accessible to customers with a network access contract. For any queries concerning the access codes, please contact the Railway Infrastructure Customer Relations and Sales unit.

Should you have any other questions, our colleagues are available to help you through the following contact points:

Telephone: +36-1-511-3205

Email: ertekesites.palyavasut [KUKAC] mav.hu

system of Railway Infrastructure Services

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